Home > Coaching
- Coaching
- High Sensitivity
- NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)
- Treatments: Energetic Psychology
What do others say about working with Anke?

Coaching is a collective name for exploring, tackling and managing various questions in life. It can be used for challenges, fears and physical, emotional or mental complaints. You can also get in contact with coach to speed up your own development or if you are looking for more purpose and meaning in your life.
High Sensitivity
When I talk to others about the term ‘(high) sensitivity’ I get the most diverse reactions. They vary from reactions like “I have never heard of it” to “In life you need to be tough, otherwise you will go down!“. There is also confusion about how to approach (high) sensitive people: “Do you have to treat them like a raw egg?“, or “Can is to be cured?“
NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming)
NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in California (USA) during the 1970s…