by Anke Weber Smit | 19 September 2017
Survival secrets for a relaxed and fulfilling life I’ve written about being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) on this blog for a year and a half now, and each time I’m surprised and grateful for the genuine interest with which people contact me about HSP....
by Anke Weber Smit | 5 September 2017
Please, can we meet you? Tell us a little about your background. I was born and raised in France. In my early twenties, I moved to Germany where I studied nuclear physics and obtained my PhD. After several years in the USA, doing research in physics and working as a...
by Anke Weber Smit | 1 August 2017
Despite the fact that high sensitivity (HS) has been attracting attention for 20 years, today there is still a discussion today about whether HS is an undeniable property, or a disease, and whether it ‘exists at all’. The available (scientific) evidence is not yet...
by Anke Weber Smit | 19 July 2017
Heel goed nieuws Het congres is met 6 RU gevalideerd door registerleraar. Spread the word! Met code AW0022 ontvang 10% korting op je online registratie!! Hoogsensitiviteit: een last of een kracht? Met dit thema werk ik nu al een hele tijd. Daarom is het bijzonder...
by Anke Weber Smit | 18 July 2017
Looking for something inspiring and ‘useful’ to fill your holiday hours with? Try imagination and visualization! It may even help you to succeed better in your personal and / or professional life. Want some tips, experiences and a kick-start? Read...