by Anke Weber Smit | 5 September 2016
Hij is er: mijn artikel ‘Gewenst Bezoek’ over de kracht van de gedachten. Lees hier over een van mijn ‘projecten’, wat ik precies gedaan heb en hoe de kracht van mijn gedachte mij een week vol wonderlijke heeft geschonken. Allemaal getriggerd...
by Anke Weber Smit | 31 August 2016
Interesting, I said to myself: If I talk to others about the experiences we have with our respective children, at school or in every-day life, I am often surprised if the behavior of a child is being categorized as ‘odd’, ‘weak’ or ‘undesirable’. While the same...
by Anke Weber Smit | 17 August 2016
(Part 3 of the triology)(August 17th) Maybe you feel just like our genius from part 2 from the trilogy, two weeks ago. You work until you have developed a machine or technique that is able to take you one step further than what your bare eye can see, like a...
by Anke Weber Smit | 3 August 2016
(Part 2 of the trilogy, August 3rd) After the little historic excursion two weeks ago we’ve now arrived at today’s world of science. Even for those among you who are aware of the theories about non-material reality, one big challenge remains: how do you PROVE to a...
by Anke Weber Smit | 20 July 2016
(Part 1 of the trilogy) (July 20th) Since I started my career switch in 2010, I get many questions about how I, as a scientist, can work with something ‘vague’ as holistic medicine. This is obviously a topic that intrigues many. I, in turn, find it fun to explain why...