by Anke Weber Smit | 28 January 2015
So we’ve come to the last part of this mini series on why it is so hard for science to prove the effects of alternative medicine techniques. To date, there are more than 10.000 scientific papers dealing with the source field, consciousness and other ‘new’...
by Anke Weber Smit | 21 January 2015
Maybe you feel just like our genius from last week. You work until you have developed a machine or technique that is able to take you one step further than what your bare eye can see, like a microscope. Yet what if you DIDN’t know that such an instrument as the...
by Anke Weber Smit | 5 January 2015
I would like to wish you a wonderful year with lots of opportunities to grow, learn and marvel. May it be a peaceful and healthy year for you as well. Maybe you wonder as I tend to do, about what a year lies ahead of you. Will it be a good one? Will I be able to...
by Anke Weber Smit | 10 December 2014
For the first time in my life, I bought a TV guide. Do you want to know why? Simple: because it featured Freek Vonk. Vonk is currently a rather famous Dutch (TV) biologist. He is specialized in snakes and conducts research into new drugs that can be made from snake...
by Anke Weber Smit | 8 December 2014
The site is online, now I can focus on posting about subjects that I hope will inspire you. The first REGULAR is the WHAT’S UP WEDNESDAY (= Every Wednesday I will introduce a more or less well – known person that stands out by what (s)he is doing, and how....