High Sensitivity
When I talk to others about the term ‘(high) sensitivity’ I get the most diverse reactions. They vary from reactions like “I have never heard of it” to “In life you need to be tough, otherwise you will go down!“. There is also confusion about how to approach (high) sensitive people: “Do you have to treat them like a raw egg?“, or “Can is to be cured?“
Scientific research shows that 1 in 5 people is high sensitive. This means that their system which absorbs stimuli is more sensitive. As a result (highly) sensitive people receive more information. As a natural consequence they can also become over-stimulated more quickly. And that, in turn, can lead to discomforts such as stress or physical complaints.
The symptoms of such discomfort can easily be confused with social anxiety, ADHD or depression by those who are not familiar with (high) sensitivity.
Fortunately, high sensitivity is becoming more and more widely known. As a consequence more and more hands-on help and tips on how to help a (high) sensitive child have been established to aid parents, educators and teachers in bringing up a sensitive child to use it’s whole, beautiful potential.
Do you think you are (high) sensitive or do you want to know more about it?
Please contact me for an informative meeting or a coaching appointment specifically tailored to your needs. Or ask me how I can assist your child and your family. You can already start to learn more about the world of (high) sensitivity in my current blog articles!
Of you choose to participate in one of the short introductions and trainings in which you learn more about the nature, strength and possible pitfalls of (high) sensitivity and how to deal with it. Being (high) sensitive does not mean that you are ill of an outsider who cannot participate in the society as ours. Interested? Call or email me or follow my blog, where I announce these trainings, or check the agenda.
Do you want to know whether you yourself are (highly) sensitive? Please contact me and receive an insightful, simple, free self-test.
Recent blog articles (in Dutch)
When I talk to people about the term ‘(high) sensitivity’ I get the most diverse reactions. They vary from reactions like “I have never heard of,” to “If you are too sensitive in life you’ll go down!”. I also hear comments like “Do you have to treat them as a raw egg?”, or “Can high sensitivity be cured?”
Scientific research shows that 1 in 5 people is high sensitive. This means that their system to absorbe stimuli is relatively more sensitive. This entails that (highly) sensitive people receive more information. A natural consequence of this heightened information intake can be over-stimulation. Which in turn may lead to discomforts such as stress or physical complaints.
What is High Sensitivity?
If you are not familiar with (high) sensitivity, such discomforts can easily be confused with symptoms of social anxiety, ADHD or depression.
Fortunately, more and more is known about what (high) sensitivity is and how (highly) sensitive people experience their environment. And hands-on approaches of how to help a (highly) sensitive child to blossom are readily available for parents, educators or teachers.
Do you think you might be (high) sensitive or do you want to learn more about it?
Scroll through the list of blog articles below or contact me to find out how I can help you!
- 8 forms of intelligence – and you can be highly gifted in any of them.online June 21nd
- ‘Ontdekkingsreis Hoogsensitiviteit’- laatste nieuws over mijn boek
- 10 alarming challenges of society for both (high) sensitive and (highly) gifted persons
- 5 astonishing similarities between (high) sensitive and (highly) gifted people
- 6 reasons why simply being happy can be a challenge for (high) sensitive people
- A simple and effective Japanese method to relax in 5 minutes-a lifesaver for HSP
- Hoogsensitiviteit congres in Nederland! Schrijf je nu in en ontvang 10% korting
- 3 examples of modern pioneers and what to learn from them
- 6 positive effects that (high) sensitive pet owners benefit from
- The power of imagination: scientific evidence good news for HSP?
- 8 points how technology changes the brain (high sensitive or not)
- Do’s and don’ts for (high) sensitive persons at work
- Become the perfect manager for yourself: 10 tips for (high) sensitive people
- The pitfall of over-adaptation; why to stop it and how
- The one exercise to revolutionize your heart – head connection (whether (high) sensitive or not)
- Essential knowledge to facilitate learning for high sensitive kids and adults
- Verrijkende avond voor hart en hoofd: 3 simple tips to increase your self-confidence after you found out you are (high) sensitive
- Inspirerende avond over (hoog)gevoeligheid: 3 natural phases to happiness of (high) sensitive persons
- The single most important factor for (high) sensitive people to lead a happy and fulfilled life
- Dr. Anke Weber houdt informatieve lezing over Hooggevoeligheid; het mysterie ontrafeld in de Montessorischool Oegstgeest
- 10 practical and fun tips for living with (high) sensitive children
- 7 effective tips for (high) sensitive persons to improve health and happiness
- 10 essential ‘instant Zen’ flower remedies for (high) sensitive person’s emergency use
- 10 reasons why being trendy is a piece of cake for (high) sensitive persons
- 10 must-know misconceptions about (high) sensitive people
- 10 advantages for you to enjoy as a (high) sensitive person